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Family Frontiers

Family Frontiers

The Association of Family Support & Welfare Selangor & KL (Family Frontiers) is a registered entity established with the aim of advancing, promoting and strengthening the family unit so that no family is left behind. It acts as an umbrella body for the Foreign Spouses Support Group (FSSG), that supports and advocates for the rights of foreign spouses married to Malaysian citizens and mobilizes action for the Malaysian Campaign for Equal Citizenship.

Foreign Spouses Support Group (FSSG) was formed in 2009 by two non-citizen mothers (married to Malaysians) in Malaysia who experienced insurmountable difficulties in raising their Malaysian children within the country. They formed FSSG so that other non-citizen spouses faced with similar challenges have support, with the aims to advance, promote and protect the rights of non-citizen spouses married to Malaysians and their children by influencing policy and providing services through community and network building.

Since 2015, FSSG has expanded its advocacy to include not only foreign spouses but also Malaysians who face discrimination in exercising their citizenship rights. Family Frontiers now also leads the Malaysian Campaign for Equal Citizenship to achieve law and policy reforms such that Malaysians have equal rights to confer citizenship on their children and spouses, through gender equal laws, policies and practices.

  • 2021 Provide Intern/volunteers