Opening Hours

Monday to Friday 10am to 5pm

The Giving Bank

The Giving Bank

The Giving Bank Organisation was established in 2016, as a Malaysia NGO that extends crowd funding service for humanitarian causes and relief. The Giving Bank serves 3 main pillars- Health, Education and Culture.


The Giving Bank approached MIRM’s founder, Mr. Raja Singham as its adviser. This is a win-win collaboration as MIRM will conduct due diligence on the projects from MIRM partner to be put on the Giving Bank Portal to raise funds for their outstanding work based on the criteria set by Giving Bank.

Besides that, MIRM also supports The Giving Bank at certain charity events and on community issues. The MIRM team supports Giving Bank’s Adviser, Mr. Raja Singham in guiding Giving Bank in our area of competence of community development. One such event was Fashion for Love Charity Event held in September 2017. A community educational fund-raising project supported by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development, this project raised funds for 600 multi-racial children in need of financial assistance.